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most objects are 16x16p resolution

this pack is part of a bigger asset pack ambiented on a nuclear station. The full pack is still on developement.

+250 Sprites

Including water (pool) tiles and some isometric style ones

Completely modular

Everything is thought to be modular, leading to personaliced sices and forms with minimal effort for your project.

7 SpriteSheets for organization

All divided into diferent spritesheets for helping find each sprite

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Follow me on itchio and twitter @dani_maccari for updates. Or contact me through discord danli#0553


This asset pack can be used on personal projects for free and for comercial projects if you purchase it for 3.00$ , got it from discount or giveaway a or got it from a bundle pack. You don't need to credit me but it's apreciated.

You can use the demo for personal or academic porpuses. Not comercial.

You may not repackage, redistribute or resell the assets, no matter how much they are modified. 

//feel free to share your project down below if you use my assets <3

an asset pack by DANI MACCARI

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars
(3 total ratings)
Authordani maccari
Tags2D, decoration, fourniture, Pixel Art, Tilemap, Tileset


Get this asset pack and 3 more for $4.00 USD
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In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $3 USD. You will get access to the following files: 21 kB

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(1 edit)

I love your nuclear series! I bought them all. Any plans for tools (nuclear workers)  or a GUI?


Oh thank you zarms I really apreciate the support โ™ฅ Yes my plan is to keep expanding this nuclear series, but didn't had any idea of what to do next. GUI would be a great adition. Also, what do you mean by tools would help me a ton :)


Thanks for the reply! That's fantastic news about expanding this series. Here are some suggestions for tools and equipments:

notebook, phone,  calendar, beakers, spectrometers, bunsen burners, calipers, rulers, whiteboard, markers or pens, geiger counters, routers, network cables, screwdrivers, pliers, wrenches, hammers, drills, saws, grinders, oscilloscopes, multimeters, mop and bucket.

These are just a few suggestions. 

I hope this helps ๐Ÿ˜

WOW this is fantastic helps a LOT, okay perfect thankyou, allso now i think i have a clearer vision of wath you meant โ™ฅ

I'm glad to hear that you found helpful ๐Ÿ˜ If you have any more questions feel free to ask!


I need this !!!

๐ŸŽฉ๐Ÿ‘Œ let me cook


hey if i finish my game i promess u tht im gonna to credit you :)


:)) GL with the develop mate!!

thanks you are god really THANKKSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!! <3

:)))) thank youuuuuuuuuu

(1 edit)

Ok I have to ask, do you do commisions because this is so freakin cool. Im 100% getting this pack to its goal. Thanks for making this I hope you contact me soon :)

Heey! thank you so muchh :)) I do,  i would love to hear more about your idea. If you want, please contact me through email talking a bit more about details or tell me where i can contact you. :)

Sent you an email and if you have discord my tag is Monotunes#9820


Wow!This asset pack is so cool! Might use it to test things out someday


they are so pretty !!! thank you <3<3<3

(1 edit)

thank youu :')) <3<3